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Public Programs

Fossil Casting

Make your own fossil replica, discover why casts are important to the Museum, and learn the differences between fossils and casts during this 45-minute indoor workshop.


Ages 4+: Adult: $10 (18 and over), Child $10 (4-17)

Adult Supervision: Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a registered adult. All people attending the program will pay the program fee. There will be no unpaid adults to assist their children, and all adults are permitted to make a cast.


Caution: Silicone moulds are used in the making of the casts.


This program is delivered in a lab setting using dental plaster which sometimes settles to the floor, so for health and safety reasons toddlers under the age of 4 are not allowed in the room. Program content is intended for ages 4+.


To secure your spot, advance registration is recommended.


Programs begin promptly at start times. Latecomers will not be admitted.

Express Dig Experience

Participate in an indoor dig and work on real fossils.

Protected from the heat and rugged badlands terrain, Express Dig Experience provides a unique indoor opportunity to uncover real fossils using palaeontological tools. This hands-on activity is designed to easily fit into your schedule, and is accessible for a wide range of physical abilities.


Ages 5+: Adult: $10 (18 and over), Child $10 (5-17)

Adult Supervision: Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a registered adult.


To secure your spot, advance registration is recommended.


Programs begin promptly at start times. Latecomers will not be admitted.

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