Make your own fossil replica, discover why casts are important to the Museum, and learn the differences between fossils and casts during this 45-minute indoor workshop.
Ages 4+: Adult: $10 (18 and over), Child $10 (4-17)
Adult Supervision: Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a registered adult. All people attending the program will pay the program fee. There will be no unpaid adults to assist their children, and all adults are permitted to make a cast.
Caution: Silicone moulds are used in the making of the casts.
This program is delivered in a lab setting using dental plaster which sometimes settles to the floor, so for health and safety reasons toddlers under the age of 4 are not allowed in the room. Program content is intended for ages 4+.
To secure your spot, advance registration is recommended.
Programs begin promptly at start times. Latecomers will not be admitted.