Explore the different properties of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary specimens with your students.
Each kit comes with an assortment of 15-20 objects, object identification list, care and handling document and class set of gloves. Educators have the freedom to create their own lesson plans and activities with these great collection resources!
Each object kit is available to book for 1 full week including an allotment of a few days before to pick it up and after to drop it off (10 days total).
Please ensure you read your confirmation email in full, as well as the safe handling guide included. Pickup is on the East side of the building at our security desk.
And please be ready to sign your 'Object Kit Loan Agreement Form' at the time of pickup.
Explore the different properties of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary specimens with your students.
Each kit comes with an assortment of 15-20 objects, object identification list, care and handling document and class set of gloves. Educators hav (more)